
The NCG has six committees that together cover the entire field of attention of the NCG.

Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change Committee

The Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change Committee is a platform of scientists and experts from the field for exchanging and communicating knowledge and coordinating and initiating research in the field of Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change in the Netherlands. The committee is an interdisciplinary body.
The Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change Committee provides direction to fundamental and strategic research, promotes the recording and dissemination of relevant knowledge, has an information role and is the point of contact in the field of Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change.

Geo-Information Infrastructure Committee

This committee wants to promote the geo-information infrastructure by encouraging the input of knowledge and research among stakeholders. The committee pays attention, among other things, to the definition and description of the geo-information infrastructure, the international context, substantive research, knowledge input, knowledge output and quality assurance.
The mission is to contribute to the long-term development of the geo-information infrastructure.

Geodesy Committee

The Geodesy Committee focuses on the elements of scientific research and development for ‘higher’ geodesy. The committee tries to make a close connection with global developments and the applied scientific domains that are currently being discussed in the Marine Geodesy and Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change committees. This makes the Geodesy Committee the geodetic forum and scientific anchor point of the Netherlands.

Geovisualisation Committee

The Geovisualisation Committee focuses, among other things, on monitoring, stimulating and realising new visualisation trends that can be applied in the geo-world, studying and realising new representations in relation to ‘new’ data flows (3D and time) and developing visualisations for the GIS science process.

Marine Geodesy Committee

The Marine Geodesy Committee is a broadly composed body that provides direction to fundamental and strategic research in the field of marine geodesy, provides international contacts and disseminates the resulting knowledge and information.
Within geodesy, marine geodesy is characterised by the cross-border character (crossing sea/land) of reference systems and datums, the dynamic character of electromagnetic and acoustic collection systems, and the specific working environment of the applicators/users of systems and information.

Core Spatial Data Committee

This committee focuses on the development of the need for basic topographic data, the types of services in this regard, technological developments in the field of sensors, information extraction, (visual) representation and ICT with regard to basic topographic data, new specifications for topographical data. basic data and new types of services in this context and the institutional roles to be fulfilled.