The committee focuses on:
Previously, it was assumed that the specification of the contents of basic files (or maps) could be determined for a long time, such as the topographic map, the Large-scale Basic Map of the Netherlands (GBKN), or the elevation map. The medium and the production process and the production times applicable at the time required this.
In view of current developments, it appears that a more dynamic attitude is desirable with regard to the provision of topographical basic data. Specifications will have to be adapted more often to changing needs and changing technology for collection and processing. Because this concerns data that plays a basic role in the developing geo-information infrastructure, the government has an important responsibility. The government must take on this dynamic role on the basis of sound advice of a scientifically based and independent nature. These recommendations must also be operational, so that they must also be based on thorough knowledge of practice.
The Dutch Geodesy Commission therefore seems to be the appropriate body to assist the government as a permanent advisory body. Given the dynamics of this area of interest outlined above, it seems advisable to embed a task in this area in the committee structure of the NCG.
The Spatial Basic Data Committee should address the following questions:
Furthermore, the committee is not only concerned with collection, but also with questions about which basic data will be important for the future and how the questions can be represented.