NCG-symposium 2024

3 July 2024, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft).

3 July 2024, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft).

On Wednesday 3 July, the Netherlands Center for Geodesy and Geo-Informatics (NCG) organizes its annual NCG Symposium. This year’s symposium will be hosted by TU Delft.
The symposium consists of a plenary part and parallel sessions. Op het plenaire programma staat de Baarda-lezing, de uitreiking van de prof. J.M. Tienstraprijs, een lezing door de winnaar en vele presentaties van actueel academisch onderzoek.
The symposium is free of charge and intended for all researchers and students of Dutch universities, academies, companies, government agencies and institutes that are active in the field of geodesy, geo-informatics, earth observation, and geo-information science and for professionals from the commercial and operative areas in these fields. This invitation is directed specifically at active researchers in the field, including doctoral students and postdocs, with the aim to facilitate the exchange and discussion about research results and activities in these themes. The symposium includes all active research activities in the domain of the geodesy, geo-informatics, earth observation, and geo-information science.

Abstracts deadline: 7 juni 2024 (max. 200 woorden met één illustratie en voorzien van titel, auteursnamen en e-mail) via dit formulier. Recently graduated MSc students are also welcome to present.

You can register via this form, or immediately register and submit your abstract via this form. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met het secretariaat van de faculteit CiTG-afdeling Geoscience & Remote Sensing:

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