3 July 2024, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft).
In 2024, the Netherlands Center for Geodesy and Geo-Informatics (NCG) will host its annual NCG symposium, this time at TU Delft.
The symposium will consist of a plenary section and parallel sessions. The plenary program includes the Baarda Lecture, the presentation of the Prof. J.M. Tienstra Prize, a lecture by the winner and many presentations of current academic research.
The event is free of charge and intended for all researchers and students at Dutch universities, academies, companies, government agencies and institutes active in the fields of geodesy, geoinformatics and geoinformation sciences and for professionals in the field. The symposium is aimed at active researchers in the field, including PhD students and postdocs, with the aim of exchanging and discussing research results and activities on various themes. Newly graduated MSc students are also welcome to present.
Abstracts deadline: 7 juni 2024 (max. 200 woorden met één illustratie en voorzien van titel, auteursnamen en e-mail) via dit formulier. Newly graduated MSc students are also welcome to make a presentation. Deadline for acceptance and assigned time slot for presentation: June 21.
You can register via this form, or immediately register and submit your abstract via this form. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met het secretariaat van de faculteit CiTG-afdeling Geoscience & Remote Sensing: secr-grs-citg@tudelft.nl.