
The Netherlands Centre for Geodesy and Geo-Informatics foundation (NCG) has existed since January 1, 2014 and until then was part of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences. The NCG is a knowledge network and has a history that goes back much further than the founding year of the center.

The NCG is the platform in the Netherlands where consultation takes place to provide direction for fundamental and strategic research in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics. It is the geodesy and geoinformatics scientists’ platform with an organised link with practice.

The NCG consists of an Executive Board, a Platform in which the partners, service companies and universities are represented that make an important contribution to the field of the science of geodesy and geoinformatics, various committees, any task groups that may have been established and the Bureau. The Executive Board and the Platform are meeting points for those responsible at strategic and policy level. An official secretary supports the board within the NCG.

The NCG is composed of:

  • professors working in the field of geo-information, geodesy and related areas
  • representatives of organisations working in the field of geo-information, geodesy and related areas
  • experts working in the field of geo-information, geodesy and related areas.



The NCG is formed by partners (services, companies and universities) that make an important contribution to the field of geodesy and geoinformatics science:

  • Hydrographic Service (Royal Navy)
  • The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency
  • Netherlands Space Office (NSO)
  • Rijkswaterstaat Central Information Supply
  • TNO
  • Delft University of Technology
  • University of Twente
  • VU Amsterdam
  • Wageningen University & Research

These partners contribute financially to the NCG.



The NCG has a Platform that promotes consultation between parties from science and practice in the field of geo-information and geodesy as much as possible and provides the board with solicited and unsolicited advice. The Platform is composed of:

  • professors working in the field of geo-information, geodesy and related areas
  • scientists from the field in a personal capacity
  • scientists from related scientific disciplines in a personal capacity
  • public sector executives in the field of geodesy and geo-information
  • the chairmen of the NCG committees
  • the members of the Executive Board.

Members of the Platform:

  • ir. C.D.Q. (Coco) Antonissen (Netherlands Space Office)
  • Naval captain W.A. (Toine) Barten (Hydrographic Service, Royal Navy)
  • F. (Floris) van der Bas (Rijkswaterstaat)
  • prof. K. (Kirsten) de Beurs (Wageningen University & Research)
  • prof. J. (Jaap) Boter (Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam)
  • prof. A.K. (Arnold) Bregt (Wageningen University & Research)
  • ir. A.P. (Astrid) Elemans (City of The Hague)
  • prof. R.F. (Ramon) Hanssen (Delft University of Technology)
  • prof. R. (Roland) Klees (Delft University of Technology)
  • prof. A.K.A.J. (Alexander) Klippel (Wageningen University & Research)
  • prof. M.J. (Menno-Jan) Kraak (University of Twente)
  • dr. B. (Bastiaan) van Loenen (Delft University of Technology)
  • prof. F.D. (Freek) van der Meer (University of Twente)
  • prof. P.J.M. (Peter) van Oosterom (Delft University of Technology)
  • dr. M.A. (Martin) Salzmann (Cadastre)
  • prof. J.E. (Jantien) Stoter (Delft University of Technology)
  • prof. P.J.G. (Peter) Teunissen (Delft University of Technology)
  • F.L.V.P.L. (Frank) Tierolff LL M (Cadastre)
  • prof. M.G. (George) Vosselman (University of Twente)
  • ir. R. (Robert) Voûte (CGI)
  • prof. J.D.A.M. (Jan-Diederik) van Wees (TNO)
  • prof. J.A. (Jaap) Zevenbergen (University of Twente)

The Platform members meet twice a year.


Executive Board

The Executive Board is formed by:

  • prof. A.K. (Arnold) Bregt
    Chairman (Wageningen University and Research)
  • prof. R.F. (Ramon) Hanssen
    Vice-chairman (Delft University of Technology)
  • dr. M.A. (Martin) Salzmann
    Secretary (Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency)
  • prof. M.G. (George) Vosselman
    Treasurer (University of Twente)

The Executive Board is supported by official secretary drs. D.J. Dubbeling.

The guideline for the Executive Board, the Platform and the committees is the multi-year policy plan.
Every year the board publishes an annual report. The most recent annual report can be found here.
Other annual reports can be found under Publications.



The NCG has six committees that together cover the entire field of attention of the NCG:

  • Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change Committee
    Chairman: prof. R.F. (Ramon) Hanssen (Delft University of Technology)
  • Geodesy Committee
    Chairman: prof. R.F. (Ramon) Hanssen (Delft University of Technology)
  • Geo-Information Infrastructure Committee
    Chairman: dr. B. (Bastiaan) van Loenen (Delft University of Technology)
  • Geovisualisation Committee
    Chairman: prof. (Menno-Jan) Kraak (University of Twente)
  • Marine Geodesy Committee
    Chairman: naval captain. W.A. (Toine) Barten (Hydrography Service)
  • Core Spatial Data Committee
    Chairman: prof. P.J.M. (Peter) van Oosterom (Delft University of Technology)

In principle, the members of the committees repesent science, government and business and serve on the basis of their expertise. Committees can initiate and supervise research projects. Another objective is to organize workshops, symposia and study days on the themes of their area of interest.