Baarda lecture

On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the predecessor of the NCG, on February 24, 2004, the biennial ‘Prof. Baarda lecture’ was instituted and a bust of him was unveiled.
The first lecture was given in February 2004 by Prof. Reiner Rummel during the symposium ‘The Earth to Measure’ on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the then NCG. The biennial lecture has been given since 2006 during the GIN symposium. Since 2016, the NCG has organized an annual symposium where PhD students, among others, can present their research. The Baarda Lecture, but also the Prof. J.M. Tienstra Research Prize, has since been part of this symposium.

Baarda lectures since 2004

2024 – Prof. dr. Rüdiger Haas (Chalmers University, Sweden): Thinking out of the box: why does society need black holes? Status and prospects of geodetic VLBI
2023 – Prof. James Cheshire (University College London): The power of maps
2022 – Prof. Tao Cheng (University College London): SpaceTime AI: Concepts, Methods and Applications
2020 – Prof. Lars Harrie (Lund Universiteit): Integration of geospatial data – a visualisation challenge in a data rich world
2019 – Prof. dr.-ing. habil. Monika Sester (Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics): Monitoring cities with modern sensors and analysis methods
2018 – Prof. Tim Dixon (School of Geosciences University of South Florida): Geodesy and Society: Applications in Natural Hazards, Climate Change, and Autonomous Vehicles Research
2017 – R. Billen, F. Poux & M. Van Ruymbeke (Geomatics Unit, University of Liège): Smart Point Clouds for information modelling: application in Cultural Heritage
2016 – Prof. Berhard Heck (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): Monitoring the Changing Earth – From Observations to Modelling
2012 – Prof. Peter Apers (University of Twente): ICT trends and their impact on the Geo world
2010 – Prof. Hans Oerlemans (IMAU, Universiteit Utrecht): ‘Global Warming’: The story of the glaciers
2008 – Prof. Luc van Gool (KU Leuven, ETH Zurich): Image processing en 3D-modelering
2006 – Prof. dr. Salomon Kroonenberg (Delft University of Technology): The appearance of the earth in ten thousand years
2005 – Prof. P.J.G. Teunissen (Delft University of Technology): The Netherlands on the move – Earth observation, NAP, land subsidence
2004 – Prof. Reiner Rummel (TU München): Geodesy and the Earth system

Prof. Willem Baarda

Prof. Willem Baarda (1917-2005) was a member of the Netherlands Geodetic Commission (the predecessor of the NCG) from 1952 to 1996 and an honorary member from 1996. He was Secretary of the Commission from 1957 to 1980 and Chairman of the Commission from 1980 to 1987.
Read more about Willem Baarda on the History page.