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Commission Geo-Information Infrastructure

Research planTop10vector, Topografische Dienst KadasterGeo-informatie-infrastructuur in actieGerman Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System project (GITEWS)GeoMetaMatica, L. Heres

The Commission wants to advance the geo-information infrastructure by stimulating the knowledge and the research of the stakeholders. The Commission is working on drawing up her goals and tasks.

The Commission proceeds from the Commission Geo-Information Models. The occasion for the change is the decision of the NCG that after the establishment of the Commission Core Spatial Data the task of the Commission Geo-Information Models shifts in the direction of questions on the field of geo-information infrastructure and the geo-information and the geo-information technology of this field.

The Commission is working on drawing up her goals and tasks. Provisionally they are formulated as follows.

The Commission wants to advance the geo-information infrastructure by stimulating the knowledge and the research of the stakeholders. Herewith the Commission is paying attention to:

  • the definition and the description of the geo-information infrastructure;
  • the international context;
  • input of knowledge among others in due form of best practices;
  • output of of knowledge in due form of research plans, publications, seminars and opinions;
  • data-input in the flow of information within the infrastructure;
  • research on: a. main sticking points; b. standards; c. technology; d. retrieving.
  • quality control;
  • monitoring of the use and advancement of the geo-information infrastructure;
  • aspects of the use and the demand for output of information of geo-information infrastructure;
  • the organisation of the geo-information infrastructure.
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