Complete results with isostatic reduction, interpretation on the results
F.A. Vening-Meinesz
Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie 9, Delft, 1948. 233 pagina's.
ISBN-13: 978 90 6132 015 9. ISBN-10: 90 6132 015 1.
This publication contains a list of the complete results of the gravity expeditions at sea of the Netherlands Geodetic Commission up to the year 1938, i.e. of 844 stations, isostatically reduced according to the Hayford-Bowie reduction and to the Airy reduction for local compensation and for five degrees of regionality of the compensation, for crustal thicknesses T of 20 km and of 30 km.
It further contains an attempt at an interpretation of these results. Chapter II gives a discussion of the gravity results in the Indonesian Archipelago in connection with other geophysical problems as those of the development of folded mountain-ranges and of the sinking of deep basins in these areas. Readers not familiar with mathematical formulas may prefer to skip 5 of this chapter for a first reading: § 6 contains a summary of its results. In Chapter III the results over and near volcanic islands are dealt with and in Chapter IV those over the continental margins and over some oceanic features as the Romanche Deep, the Bromley Plateau, the Walvis Ridge and the Madagascar Ridge. Chapter V discusses the results obtained in the North Atlantic and in the profiles observed in the South Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. A short discussion of the meaning of wide-spread anomaly-fields closes this chapter.
A more detailed summary is found in chapter I, § 1.
- Short Summary 5
- The isostatic Reduction of the Gravity Results 7
- The Indonesian Archipelago 25
- Volcanic Islands 91
- Gravity over the Continental Margins and over the Romanche Trough, the Bromley Plateau, the Walvis Ridge, the Madagascar Ridge, etc. 109
- Gravity over the Oceans 133
- Table of complete Results after isostatic reduction (indirect isostatic reduction included).
- Plates I - VI Gravity- and Depth-profiles
- Maps of the East Indies and the North Atlantic