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Investigation of the accuracy of plotting and scaling-off

GS 10, N.D. Haasbroek, Investigation of the accuracy of plotting and scaling-off

N.D. Haasbroek

Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie 10, Delft, 1955. 176 pagina's.
ISBN-13: 978 90 6132 017 3. ISBN-10: 90 6132 017 8.


As far as I know little has been published in literature concerning land surveying about the accuracy of plotting and scaling-off with divider and plotting scale or with tracing point and engineer scale. Only a rather circumstantial paper by Kummer (Mitteilungen von Beobachtungsergebnissen über die Schätzungs- und Kartierungsgenauigkeit an Mass-stäben und Kartierungsinstrumenten) in Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (year 1907 page 531, 561, 593) deals with part of this subject.

In the following paper the whole procedure of plotting and scaling-off will be submitted to an accuracy test. By applying the law of propagation of errors one may form an idea of the accuracy of plotting and the accuracy with which distances and areas can be scaled-off from a plot. Finally, theoretical results will be checked in practice and conclusions will then be drawn.


  1. Determination of standard errors  7
  2. Results of the investigation  23
  • Appendix  43  
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