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SDI Convergence. Research, Emerging Trends, and Critical Assessment

GS 48, B. van Loenen, J.W.J. Besemer, J.A. Zevenbergen (Editors), SDI Convergence. Research, Emerging Trends, and Critical Assessment

B. van Loenen, J.W.J. Besemer, J.A. Zevenbergen (Editors)

Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie 48, Delft, 2009. 288 pagina's.
ISBN: 978 90 6132 310 5.

From the Foreword

This book is the result of a collaborative initiative of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI), the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, the European umbrella organisation for geographic information (EUROGI), the Dutch innovation program Space for Geo-Information (RGI) and Geonovum, the Netherlands SDI executive committee. In addition to the traditional call for papers for the joint GSDI-11/ INSPIRE/ Geonovum RGI conference 'Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Building SDI Bridges to Address Global Challenges' contributions of full articles were solicited for publication in this peer reviewed volume.

In several instances, the articles submitted addressed the theme of the conference. In others they stuck to the more traditional fields of SDI. The reviewing process resulted in twenty articles that together can be summarised as Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Research, Emerging Trends, and Critical Assessment. These topics are represented well in this volume.


Foreword  vii

Peer Review Board for SDI Convergence: Research, Emerging Trends, and Critical Assessment  viii

Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence  1
B. van Loenen, J. Besemer and J. Zevenbergen

The Potential of a National Atlas as Integral Part of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Exemplified by the New Dutch National Atlas 9
M-J. Kraak, F. Ormeling, B. Köbben and T. Aditya

Development and Deployment of a Services Catalog in Compliance with the INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules  21
J. Nogueras-Iso, J. Barrera, A.F. Rodr uez, R. Recio, C. Laborda and F.J. Zarazaga-Soria

Public Sector Geo Web Services: Which Business Model Will Pay for a Free Lunch?  35
F. Welle Donker

Standard Licences for Geographic Information: the Development and Implementation in Local Government in Italy  53
L. Garretti, S. Griffa, R. Lucà and M.T. Lopreiato

Legal Simcity; Legislative Maps and Semantic Web Supporting Conflict Resolution  63
R. Peters, R. Hoekstra, T. van Engers and E. Hupkes

Power and Privacy: the Use of LBS in Dutch Public Administration  75
C. van Ooijen and S. Nouwt

Harmonising and Integrating Two Domain Models Topography  89
J. Stoter, W. Quak and A. Hofman

An Analysis of Technology Choices for Data Grids in a Spatial Data Infrastructure  107
S. Coetzee and J. Bishop

SDI and Metadata Entry and Updating Tools  121
A. Rajabifard, M. Kalantari and A. Binns

A Prototype Metadata Tool for Land Use Change and Impact Models - a Case Study in Regional Victoria, Australia  137
S. Williams, C. Pettit, D. Hunter and D. Cherry

Implementation of Recent Metadata Directives and Guidelines in Public Administration: the Experience of Sardinia Region  151
L. Manigas, M. Beneventi, L. Corvetto, R. Vinelli and M. Melis

An Integrated Framework for the Implementation and Continuous Improvement of Spatial Data Infrastructures  161
A. Toomanian and A. Mansourian

The Value Chain Approach to Evaluate the Economic Impact of Geographic Information: Towards a New Visual Tool   175
E. Genovese, S. Roche and C. Caron

Evaluation of Spatial Information Technology Applications for Mega City Management  189
S. Boos and H. Mueller

Local Government and SDI - Understanding their Capacity to Share Data  205
K. McDougall, A. Rajabifard and I. Williamson

Changing Notions of a Spatial Data Infrastructure  219
I. Masser

Cooperation - a Key Factor for Sustainable Spatial Data Infrastructure   229
O. Olsson

Seamless SDI Model - Bridging the Gap between Land and Marine Environments  239
S. Vaez, A. Rajabifard and I. Williamson

The RRR Toolbox: a Conceptual Model for Improving Spatial Data Management in SDIs  253
R. Bennett and A. Rajabifard

Building SDI Bridges for Catchment Management  265
D. Raj Paudyal, K. McDougall and A. Apan

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