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Quaternion algebra applied to polygon theory in three dimensional space

PoG 27, H. Quee, Quaternion algebra applied to polygon theory in three dimensional space

H. Quee

Delft, 1983. 110 pagina's.
ISBN-13: 978 90 6132 227 6. ISBN-10: 90 6132 227 8.


In this study a functional model for the adjustment of spatial geodetic networks is described. The model can be used both for terrestrial first order networks including astronomical observation variates and for engineering surveys, e.g. for the measurement of deformations, or for setting out high structures.


  • Introduction  1
  • Quaternion algebra  8
  • The introduction of geodetic and astronomical observation variates  29
  • Important difference equations  40
  • Similarities and differences between the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional model  54
  • The adjustment model  75
  • Appendix
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